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Deep Sighs

I have been one of the rare monkeys who can 

build tiny houses with sticks

make piles out of my food

smile knowingly 

and tickle my gums with flowers.

What makes me rare?

And what makes me a monkey?

Is it the flowers that I gather daily

although I have no vase to put them in?

Is it the long hairs that coat my body

which I lovingly drag my fingers through

hour after hour after hour?


I am one of the rare monkeys who 

knows the value of 

long looks, small triumphs, deep sighs

instead of constant movement, I move only when I am moved

I can scoop water to my mouth with both hands at once

I can make faces right back at you

I can snub you when I choose.

I have been a rare monkey among monkeys.

My thoughts are captured with

words on paper

when I speak my words are repeated 

and now I am safe.


I am one of the rare monkeys who

makes green appear from dirt

sweet-talking it towards my hands

singing it into sunshine.


The water, the flowers

my words caught on paper

I drag my fingers along my body

my smile is huge

my smile is tiny

we share long looks and deep sighs


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