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Pitch Your Heart to the Sea

Pitch your heart to the sea

watch it drop into the water

feel it lurching down to the dark depths 

feel it lightly touch bottom, settle in on the sand.


Pitch your heart to the sea while

the sun warms your face

your heart floats, buoyed by salt

your heart floats, further and further --

pull it back into your arms, cradle it

kiss the top of its head 

release it, urge it along with a push.


Your heart at sea

throbbing gently in the green.

Your heart at sea, cracks and all

water seeps in, stings

your heart has seen it all

your heart has felt every bit

your heart at sea 

just out of reach

a dot on the horizon.


Your heart at sea

your eyes shut tight

love bobbing on the waves

the sea is forever

the sea is for always

the sea in your brain

pickling your thoughts

the sea in your brain

salting your memories.

Pitch your heart to the sea

release it from care

close its eyes 

kiss the top of its head.


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