There is a sign on the mailbox
not a normal mailbox – a big green one
that the mail lady unlocks
pulls out words and brown cardboard
shoves them into her saddlebags
every day.
Is it a sign or a
sign of the times?
Silver graffiti that says
immigration and customs enforcement
although there are times I want to abolish ice
I am aging and
I am close to creeping down
glassy sidewalks
at an old-lady pace.
ABOLISH I.C.E.– I see it every day.
It fills my heart with the
absolutism of youth.
But now – am I wise? Judgmental?
I am certain that
abolishing I.C.E .can never be accomplished.
I had a girlfriend who carried a fat black marker with her
she wrote boycott! on Coors beer posters
she wrote shoot Bush first! on
the walls of subways and buses.
George Bush is more evil than Reagan
she explained
because he thinks nuclear war is a viable option.
She created new signs out of poster ads
added new subway instructions to
littering is punishable by fine.
Younger than me
fearless, I thought – when really
how bad would it be if she got caught?
Was it a sign?
What would she be writing now --
Boycott Chik-fil-A!
No Fascist USA!
Was it a sign that
we would be together a painful two years -- when one
would have been so much better?
I didn’t know the signs from her
need to get high every night
what it meant for her
an escape from the sign she carried inside
which said
my father hit me
and I was the smallest.
The ABOLISH I.C.E. sign
is indestructible
today it looks fresh –
I love to think that it was painted over and
and maybe it could
maybe immigration enforcement could become
caring, kind, generous
maybe fathers could hit something inanimate, or not hit at all.